
Deeper Conversations. Unbounded Potential.

New Program! "The declaration of a lifetime!"

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the courage and the confidence to "Be" yourself in the "moment?" That moment when your decision or action could confirm or validate what you believe or would like to believe your yourself or your bigger purpose? Or the times when looking back, or looking forward, you would really like to give yourself the "space for grace" to make sense of it all?

G.R.A.C.E. at Work is pleased to announce it's new program, "The Declaration of a Lifetime," isĀ  designed to help leaders at all stages of their journey clarify or strengthen their desired leadership impact and influence. Its a whole lot easier to "take ground" or "stand your ground" when you able to state and put into action your leadership purpose with clarity, competence, conviction, and courage.

It doesn't matter what stage you're at in the leadership journey. Whether just starting out, somewhere in the middle, or getting closer to wanting to make a difference on a bigger stage in life, your "Leadership Delcaration" is the key to integrating your purpose and passion in all facets of your leadership and your life. This isn't just one more take on your "elevator pitch" or your "signature" contribution. This is about getting at the very heart and soul of your DNA.

The program uses a leadership personality assessment, a 360 feedback assessment, individual coaching sessions, and looks to create or leverage opportunities of your learning and development in your targeted environment(s) and situations. And when desired, this program can be set up on a cohort basis. This work isn't easy and it isn't for the faint of heart. You will be challenged. And when you are successful, you will see yourself, others and the world in a whole new way. There will be no turning back to the "previous edition you."

G.R.A.C.E. at Work - "Deeper Conversations. Unbounded Potential."

Contact us for details

Authenticity. Connectivity. Empowerment.

Our services are custom-built for each client, because your needs are as unique as the tapestry of personalities that make up your team, your company, your crew.


Anytime we connect with anyone else, for any reason, we enter into a relationship of sorts. Eric has written a condensed handbook to serve as your quick guide to great relationships, available in print and in ebook format.

Work with us

Leadership Coaching

Our coaches focus on your values, adapt to your leadership style, and bring focus to your vision to help you reach your goals.


Our assessments give clients the most complete picture of their opportunities for improvement and causes for celebration based on real data, information, and feedback.

Training Program

Individuals, leaders or teams can all benefit from the G.R.A.C.E. at Work model, which equips participants with stronger communication skills to create a more positive experience and brighter outcome.